Details for 2008 annual report and year six (2009) workplan

2008 annual report and year six (2009) workplan
Name:2008 annual report and year six (2009) workplan

The year 2008 marks the end of Phase I (2004–2008) of the Generation Challenge Programme (GCP). It is, therefore, a fitting time for stocktaking and forward planning, as we embark on Phase II (2009–2013).

In the pages that follow, you will also read how this transition into Phase II is informed by several internal and external reviews, of which the most comprehensive was the External Programme and Management Review (EPMR), commissioned by the Science Council of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The EPMR recommended the approval of GCP Phase II. For this positive outcome, on behalf of GCP’s Management Team (MT), I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the researchers and their support staff who participated in the review. It is their continued commitment and concrete contributions to science that brought about this good result, for which the MT is deeply grateful.

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Last updated on: 06/15/2015 18:46