Details for Not all ALMT1-type transporters mediate aluminum-activated organic acid responses: The case of ZmALMT1 – an anion-selective transporter

Not all ALMT1-type transporters mediate aluminum-activated organic acid responses: The case of ZmALMT1 – an anion-selective transporter
Name:Not all ALMT1-type transporters mediate aluminum-activated organic acid responses: The case of ZmALMT1 – an anion-selective transporter

Piñeros MA, Cançado GMA, Maron LG, Lyi MS, Menossi M and Kochian LV (2008). Not all ALMT1-type transporters mediate aluminum-activated organic acid responses: The case of ZmALMT1 – an anion-selective transporter. Plant Journal 53:352–367 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03344.x). Also published online in 2007

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Last updated on: 11/01/2012 16:26