Drought phenotyping in crops: from theory to practice

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Published under a Creative Commons licence for the widest possible dissemination, this book is a unique attempt to simultaneously tackle theoretical and practical aspects in drought phenotyping, through both crop-specific and cross-cutting approaches. It is designed for – and will be of use to – practitioners and postgraduate students in plant science, who are grappling with the challenging task of evaluating germplasm performance under different water regimes.

In Part I, different methodologies are presented for accurately characterising environmental conditions, implementing trials, and capturing and analysing the information this generates, regardless of the crop.

Part II presents the state-of-art in research on adaptation to drought, and recommends specific protocols to measure different traits in major food crops (focusing on particular cereals, legumes and clonal crops).

The book is part of the CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme’s efforts to disseminate crop research information, tools and protocols, for improving characterisation of environments and phenotyping conditions. The goal is to enhance expertise in testing locations, and to stimulate the development and use of traits related to drought tolerance, as well as innovative protocols for crop characterisation and breeding.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence
2011   2014
Drought-phenotyping-cover-web-200 Phenotyping-book-cover-Frontiers-web-200
The original 2011 version of GCP's phenotyping book is a detailed description and analysis of the complex work of drought phenotyping in crops, simultaneously tackling both the theoretical and practical aspects. Part I comprises 10 chapters dealing with a variety of methods, while Part II is dedicated to application for 14 crops (with groundnuts, sorghum, sweet potatoes and plantains added to the 10 in the 2014 edition).  

Selected chapters from the original were republished as a Research Topic by open-access online publisher, Frontiers, with seven method chapters, and nine crop chapters covering 10 crops.

The 10 crops in this 2014 edition are bananas, beans, cassava, chickpeas, cowpeas, maize, pearl millet, pigeonpeas, rice and wheat.