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Oct 292014
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Watch our truly spectacular sunset as it unfolds…


What could be better at the end of a hard day’s work than to sit back, relax and gaze at a beautiful sunset? Here at GCP, we’re coming to the end of not just a day but of a decade, full of tough work, learning, joy and friendships. This blog is your place to watch our truly spectacular sunset as it unfolds. It will also act as a permanent repository – a treasure house of bright GCP jewels. So, as the sun begins to drop towards the horizon, picture yourself reclining in an easy chair on a verandah overlooking the cool hilly highlands and sun-kissed savannah in Africa; the steppes, slopes and plains of Asia; and the pampas and peaks of the Americas.

Over the Programme’s final months, we will be using this blog to bring you our most captivating stories, as told by our partners. We will be reflecting on what we’ve done right, what we’ve done wrong, and what we’ve learnt. And – as we are confident that the seeds planted by GCP will continue to grow and grow – we will be looking forward at the future of the knowledge, partnerships and breeding products springing from GCP.

These sunset stories taking you through the years will be neither dusty nor sad. Just like GCP, they will be full of life and enthusiasm, and rich with many voices. They will focus on our crops, our partnerships, and the approaches that made us unique, and tell the tales of some of the wonderful people who’ve been part of GCP. We hope that they will be of interest to a range of groups, including funders, both of GCP and of future projects; research managers; research policy- and decision-makers; people interested in crop science research in general; and of course our many friends and partners through our decade of existence.

For those seeking more background, or more technical and scientific detail, research information and publications (available to download) will also be permanently hosted on GCP’s website. Here, you will also find our Position Papers, which provide pithy digests on the 11 ‘components’ that sum up our work and activities. Drafted in mid-2012 and nestled in the sunset section, the Papers complement this Sunset Blog.

We at GCP are proud of our legacy, and we are happy and excited to be sharing these stories, courtesy of our amazing partners. So watch this space, and please pour yourself that sundowner now – the toasts are just about to begin!

Up next, watch our logo transform from ‘growth-green’ to ‘harvest-orange’, in keeping with the times and the season!

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